Georgia Sims — Breaking new ground
Few people from Georgia Sims' country town had gone to university, and she’d never heard of anyone studying medicine. But with her “anything is achievable” attitude and the support of family and friends, she’s now in her fourth year of a medicine degree, having spent time in the city and in an array of rural placements. Starting out in undergraduate paramedicine, it was while she was volunteering at a music festival that she was inspired by the leadership and the skills of a doctor supervising a resuscitation. So, Georgia applied to study medicine and, once accepted, found that her life-long pledge not to return to the bush was broken, thanks to the lifestyle and professional advantages rural practice brings. It’s been a steep learning curve, both clinically and in a personal sense, but with the most difficult days now well behind her, Georgia Sims is looking forward to a rewarding rural and regional career.